Exploring Sensate Focus Sex Therapy Exercises: A Technique To Try

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When it comes to improving intimacy and connection in a relationship, Sensate Focus Sex Therapy Exercises can be a valuable tool for couples. This technique, developed by Masters and Johnson, focuses on mindfulness and sensory awareness to enhance sexual pleasure and deepen emotional connection. In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of Sensate Focus and how you can incorporate it into your relationship.

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Understanding Sensate Focus

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Sensate Focus is a structured series of exercises designed to help couples overcome sexual difficulties, enhance intimacy, and improve communication. The therapy involves a gradual progression of touch and sensory exploration, starting with non-genital touch and gradually moving towards more intimate contact. The goal is to help partners become more attuned to each other's sensations and desires, fostering a deeper connection and more fulfilling sexual experiences.

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Getting Started with Sensate Focus

Before diving into Sensate Focus exercises, it's important for both partners to be on the same page and approach the therapy with an open mind. Communication and mutual understanding are key to success in this process. It's essential to set aside dedicated time for the exercises, free from distractions and external pressures.

Start with Non-Genital Touch

The first phase of Sensate Focus involves non-genital touch, where partners take turns exploring each other's bodies without focusing on sexual arousal. This can include gentle caressing, massaging, and exploring different textures and sensations. The emphasis is on being present in the moment and paying attention to each other's responses.

Gradually Introduce Genital Touch

As the exercises progress, partners can gradually introduce genital touch into their sensory exploration. The focus is on exploring each other's bodies in a relaxed and non-demanding manner, without the pressure of achieving sexual arousal or orgasm. This phase allows for deeper intimacy and a greater understanding of each other's sexual responses.

Building Emotional Connection

Sensate Focus is not just about physical touch; it's also about building emotional connection and trust. The therapy encourages partners to communicate openly about their desires, preferences, and boundaries. By creating a safe and supportive environment, couples can enhance their emotional intimacy and strengthen their bond.

Overcoming Sexual Difficulties

Sensate Focus can be particularly beneficial for couples dealing with sexual difficulties such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, or low libido. By focusing on sensory exploration and mindfulness, partners can reduce performance anxiety and reframe their approach to sexual intimacy. The therapy can also be helpful for addressing past traumas or negative experiences related to sex.

Incorporating Sensate Focus into Your Relationship

If you're interested in trying Sensate Focus with your partner, it's important to approach the exercises with patience and a willingness to learn. Set aside dedicated time for the therapy, free from distractions and external pressures. Remember that the goal is not to achieve a specific outcome, but to deepen your connection and enhance your sexual experiences.


Sensate Focus Sex Therapy Exercises can be a powerful tool for couples looking to enhance their intimacy and connection. By focusing on sensory exploration and mindfulness, partners can deepen their understanding of each other's desires and build a more fulfilling sexual relationship. Whether you're looking to overcome sexual difficulties or simply enhance your intimacy, Sensate Focus is definitely a technique worth trying.